Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 7 -- One Week Down!

Yesterday was awesome!  I had such a great time with my family.  It definitely made me excited for things to come.  I ended up doing a pretty brutal workout last night from the MDA site that made me really sore today.  But a good sore.  Needless to say, I will use today as a "rest day" to recover so I can attack another challenge tomorrow.

I've eaten really well today!  Woke up and made bacon, eggs, and coffee!  I love breakfast, but I rarely get up in time to actually make it.  I ate really well at the Colts game (mostly because I was in the suite and they have a great primal-friendly selection.  I had a plate of berries, shrimp, cooked squash and zucchini, raw squash and zuchinni, red peppers, and guacamole!  I used the guac as "dip" for the raw squash, zucchini, and peppers.  I also drank a couple bottles of water.

Kevin and I are having steak tonight.  Kev is going to have a traditional potato and I'm going to "indulge" a bit with a sweet potato.  Sweet potatoes are good for an occasional greek yogurt, you can't go overboard with them though.  I might have a glass of wine as well.  It's putting me to sleep just thinking about it ;)

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!  Get ready to hit it hard in week 2!


  1. Emily, Dave, and I were all careful with our food choices at the game today. Before we left for the game, we split a big berry-filled protein shake. At the game, Emily and I got the prime rib sandwich special without the bread and chips. We talked the vendor into giving us steamed zucchini instead. Dave ate Italian beef that looked great! We all drank water! We opted for Boogie Burgers for dinner, sans buns, of course. Emily and I indulged by sharing an order of onion rings (we each had four rings). I will admit that I was still wanting food after dinner, so I went out and picked some green tomatoes. I've been wanting to try a Paleo Fried Green Tomato recipe. I found and followed one that called for broiling -- frying would have worked too. Delicious!
    I was concerned about getting through the weekend and maintaining reasonably clean food choices. I'm happy to report that it wasn't nearly as difficult as I expected. The cotton candy vendor at the game made me and Emily cringe.
    Week Two -- Bring it!

  2. I've already hard-boiled a dozen eggs....
