Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sigh...I love weekends...

It's been a great weekend so far (despite the weather)!  Kev and I went to the barn yesterday morning and I had a great lesson.  I rode a well trained reining horse (Pistol) and was able to experience what it's SUPPOSED to feel like and how the horse is SUPPOSED to react to my cues.  Then I had a great ride on Cora to finish off the lesson.  She and I are getting more and more in tune as we spend more time together.  It's fantastic!

Then Grandma & Grandpa babysat while Kevin and I went to see Dracula at the IRT.  What fun!  We ate at the Indianapolis Colts Grill -- it was very good.  Deep Fried Parmesan and Sausage Crusted Hardboiled Farm Eggs, anyone?  YUM!  Deep frying isn't exactly Primal, but there wasn't much else wrong with that dish.  I also had a burger (sans bun) and sweet potato fries.  I'm going overboard a little with the sweet potatoes I'm going to chill out on those a bit.

I think I'm finally kicking this cold.  I'll try and do a workout tonight, if I feel up to it.  Yesterday was a "rest day" (if you don't count the riding -- which is definitely a workout). 

Well, I'm off to run errands with the family.  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and don't forget to hard boil some eggs for the week!!

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