Emily and Ashley keep me on my toes. I find myself researching food choices to see if I'm on target or not. Mark's Daily Apple is an easy source for information and has led me to new menu ideas and recipes as I research my questions.
Tonight my questions involved the brown rice flour pasta I purchased. I thought it must be better than pasta made with wheat flour or even the gluten-free corn flour pasta I've seen. For the record, it was delicious and I wouldn't have known it was anything other than the usual pasta I eat. However, it is not perfect -- high carbs to protein so not so much bang for the buck. I have now learned a bit more about brown rice. If I were a rat, it would be really good for me, but alas, my human digestive system isn't really able to get to the nutrients contained in brown rice. I won't ban it from my diet, but I will eat it in moderation. I'll switch back to squash with my wonderfully delicious and nutritious fresh tomato and meat sauces.
Breakfast was a protein shake on the run after hitting a new PR in the deadlift -- 225 lbs! I was off to the Indianapolis Colts Women's Organization annual luncheon where i had tomato basil soup and then ate some terrific Korean bbq beef on a salad. Had a hard-boiled egg and a Quest Bar as snacks and I'm drinking more water as I write this.
The best part of my day was giving Riley his first piano lesson. He likes to bounce when he stands on a lap, so I let him bounce so his bum landed on the piano keys. He has great potential!
I hope you all had a good day!
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