Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 3

VICTORY!  Another night of dinner before 9pm!  I'm on a roll!

I had another pretty darn good day -- still struggling with the water consumption.  I don't know why it's so hard for me.  I drink about a bottle throughout the night too when I'm up tending to that helps, but I really need to get better about keeping myself consistently hydrated throughout the day.

I had a good workout this evening, though it was interrupted by a needy little man.  So, I ended up finishing my workout using him as additional weight.  I held him in front of me and did squats (which he enjoyed) and then held him up toward my knees with his feet kind of resting on my stomach and did sit ups (which he REALLY enjoyed).  It was a lot of fun actually :)  I am hoping to get a good sprint workout in tomorrow and a walk in the evening if it's nice (which it's supposed to be).

I'm continuing to steadily lose fat and gain muscle (I can tell by how I fit in my clothes).  I plan to have Kevin measure me this weekend so I can see how many inches I gain/lose (believe it or not, I kind of want to gain inches in my thighs because I think they are weak and need more muscle) over the next few months.  I'm also going to take some pictures as comparison.  It'd be great if you all did the same thing so that we can have a family before and after summary to show off (heck, it might even end up on Mark's Daily Apple if everyone is OK with that).  I'm really not worried about my weight with this whole thing...I am well under the "Army standard" for my height, so I just want to be healthy and fit!

I'm going to join my little boy in sweet slumber here shortly.  Before I sign off for the night (by the way, this evening computer time is NOT part of the Primal Blueprint lifestyle), I wanted to mention today's contest...I plan on writing a story and sending it in to Mark.  I'd actually been considering writing one for awhile, and now that he's offered a pair of Vibram FiveFingers as a prize, I am sufficiently motivated to do it!  I'm definitely going to mention you all in my story :)  I'm thrilled that we're doing this together! 

I love you guys!  Hope you all are well and satisfied with your efforts today!

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